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Administrative and municipal law

Evstafiadi Ya.K. On the necessity of legal consolidation of the system of law-enforcement bodies of Russia

Abstract: In the article the author analyzes some of the existing in Russian legal science approaches to understanding of the system of law-enforcement bodies, considers the process of legislative recognition of law-enforcement system with regard to their distinct feature - the existence of the institution of public law-enforcement service in law enforcement bodies, and also specifies the role of presidential decrees in the formation of the system of law-enforcement bodies. The study should be continued with the analysis of normative acts which legally stipulate the content of law enforcement service. The author uses the systems method, the dialectical, the comparative-legal and the formal-logical methods. The scientific novelty lies in the use of presidential decrees for the consolidation of the system of law-enforcement bodies in the federal law “On public law-enforcement service”. The definition of the term "law-enforcement body" will eliminate the existing fragmentation of researchers’ views in this field. The main conclusion of the study is the need for a further improvement of the current legislation on law-enforcement bodies of Russia. 


personnel policy, authority, legal regime, law-enforcement bodies, reforming, the system of law-enforcement bodies, public law-enforcement service, functions, legislation, management

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