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Police activity

Pan'shin D.L. Professional anti-corruption training of police officers as a measure of combating corruption

Abstract: Anti-corruption training of police officers at the recent level of professional training does not provide the implementation of functions of law-enforcement agencies in combating crime. In this regard, the subject of the article is the analysis of educational programs of several educational institutions within the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs which, in our opinion, though train specialists for combating crime, lack an analytical component of education. Training of analysts in the sphere of combating crime not only in educational institutions of the law-enforcement system but also in other institutions promotes education of highly qualified managerial personnel with the knowledge of the causes and conditions of criminal activity. The conducted systems analysis of the level of students training revealed the shortcomings in the sociological, economic, political cognition of the society. On the base of the dialectical method the author compares some statistical (economic and sociological) indicators with the measures taken to combat corruption crime. On the base of the legal method the author analyzes the legislative measures and the policies based on the statistical indicators of crime in Russian regions. The author concludes that for the effective combating crime it is necessary, firstly, on the basis of educational institutions to create programs of training the analysts in the sphere of combating crime, secondly, to establish research centers for the study of the causes and conditions of criminal activity, thirdly, on the base of law enforcement experience to develop measures of combating crime taking into account the peculiarities of a particular region or city, fourthly, to get the professionals involved in the teaching of cadets and students in order to improve the abilities and skills of identification of causes and conditions of criminal activity.


police, learner, cadet, crime, corruption, analyst, training, Education, causes, conditions

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