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Philosophy and Culture

Gurevich P.S. The Truth of the Great Leader

Abstract: The article reviews a remarkable book by P.A. Nazareth about an outstanding leader of out time Mahatma Gandhi. The book describes Gandhi’s versatile activities as a political figure and statesman for the first time in world literature. It reconstructs the history of his development as a political leader. Gandhi is presented in this case as a unique person. A historian or a researcher in modern politics will find in this book valuable material about the great country that currently becomes a major power capable of influencing global events. The author uses the method of comparison of two books – by P.A. Nazareth and the book by a prominent American psychoanalyst, one of the founding fathers of psychohistory Erik Erikson. Comparativist techniques permit to show Gandhi’s significant influence on many cultural workers and transformations in other countries.The methods of psychohistory and political philosophy in general are compared for the first time in modern literature. P.A. Nazareth refers to the works of E. Erikson. But he goes his own way, thoroughly investigating Gandhi’s political activities. At the same time, the book portrays the image of a unique man who was involved in very dramatic historical events. Being a historical analysis, P.A. Nazareth’s book responds to modern global transformations. This is its undoubted value.


satyagraha, philosophy of nonviolence, public activity, politics, spiritual leader, thinker, Gandhi, psychohistory, colonialism, history

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