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Philosophy and Culture

Gurevich P.S. The Link Between Human and His World

Abstract: The problems of the philosophical understanding of human have always been the priority in Paul Ricoeur's researches. In the present article Gurevich tries to describe the logic of the philosophical and anthropological views of that French researcher. Special attenion is paid to the problem of human subjectivity. Paul Ricoeur developed a whole framework of concepts to describe the connection between human and his inner world. Ricoeur's philosophy is related to Husserl's phenomenology, especially that of the period of Lebenswelt. Ricoeur's philosophy was also influenced by Heidegger's existentialism, Freud's psychoanalysis and Jean Nabor's 'reflective' philosophy. Paul Ricoeur noted that he tried to avoid following monistic or dualistic ontology but to focus on the semantics of the discourse between representatives of neurosciences and philosophers who declared themselves to be inheritants of the French reflective philosophy (from Maine de Biran and Ravaisson to Jean Nabor) and at the same time phenomenology (from Husserl to Sartre and Merleau-Ponty) and hermeneutics (from Schleiermacher to Dilthey, Heidegger and Gadamer). In his article Gurevich focuses on the anthropological theme in Paul Ricoeur's phenomenology. The French philosopher managed to find that very element in Husserl's philosophy that brought together phenomenology and existentialism. That allowed Ricoeur to reconstruct phenomenological concepts. In particular, Husserl interpreted the external aim (intention) as a cognitive act. That could be compared to the phenomenological way of thinking. However, Ricoeur believed intention to be an act of will which allowed him to bring together the elements of philosophical and anthropological ways of thinking and interpret a number of categories and concepts in philosophical anthropology. 


situation in life, being, existence, philosophy, phenomenology, hermeneutics, existentialism, intention, culture, human, passion

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