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Administrative and municipal law

Chezhidova A.V. Transparency as a necessary condition for the work of supervisory bodies of executive authorities

Abstract: The work of regulatory authorities is a priority for any modern state. During the last decade the Russian Federation is trying to improve the enforcement agencies by conducting large-scale administrative reforms, introduction of modern governance mechanisms and use of experience of the advanced Western countries. There is no doubt that the effectiveness of supervisory bodies depends not only on security and law and order, protection of rights and freedoms of citizens, their social well-being, but, importantly, on the decrease of corruption and crime in the country, as ineffective and corrupt practices of enforcement agencies damage the economy of the country, the development of small and medium-sized businesses, destroy the initiative of the population in the development of various social processes aimed at improvement of the welfare of our country, and are of great distrust and disrespect for the public authorities and their officials.The solution of these most difficult tasks is impossible without close cooperation of public authorities and civil society. Therefore, the duty of the state is to create the necessary mechanisms for such collaboration, to secure them in the current legislation and to ensure the correct implementation of the established principles and rules.


supervisory body, civil society, mass media, transparency of pubic authorities, government supervision, Executive power, information society, corruption, public administration, information

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