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Trends and management

Alekseev I.V. Criteria of competitiveness measurement of franchising enterprises

Abstract: In this article the author defines methodological approaches to the definition of indicators of competitiveness measurement of franchise businesses. He offers his approach to structuring criteria of competitiveness. The author convincingly proves that competitiveness criteria of franchises are facets of its work which aim to achieve a stable competitive advantage in the common interest field with other companies, which undoubtedly is a hot topic, considering the evolved market conditions, and his point of view provides a fresh insight on the phenomenon of competitiveness. This work's method of research involves the analysis of the work of franchising enterprises and spotting criteria of their measurement of competitiveness on this basis. The author’s major conclusions are as follows following. Management of competitiveness of a subject of the economy is impossible without definition and measurement of its most significant indicators. In order to achieve a stable competitive advantage in the market, a franchising enterprise needs to work out its own system of objectives that will be clear for all its employees involved in the projects, employees who will aim for the normative indicator values as a the bar for their work. Using the complex of the given criteria of competitiveness measurement in other spheres of economy is only reasonable if the management strategy is aiming to expand influence beyond the current region. The novelty of the article stems from the fresh system of criteria offered by the author that have both, academic and practical value.


measurement, approach, management, competitiveness, criteria, diagnostics, complex, franchises, indicators, market

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