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Philology: scientific researches

Plyutto P.A. On Nature and Classification of Socio-Cultural Illusions

Abstract: The article is devoted to the research of the reality of socio-cultural illusions undestood by the author as the 'reality of the virtual world'. The given analysis of the eality of the socio-cultural virtual world is based on the differentiation between a gnoseological definition of socio-cultural illusions viewed as usual misconceptions and their ontological status, i.e. the status of the human reality. Thus, the research subject is the illusions existing at the level of society and culture which the author distinguishes from individual psychological illusions that haven't become socially or culturall important. The methodological basis of research can be outlined as the synthesis of different achievements in the field of philosophical research of social and cultural illusions. The novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the author provides a clear definition of socio-cultural illusions in terms of their ontological status and tries to offer a substantiated classification of socio-cultural illusions.  The conclusions of research involve performance conditions and stage-by-stage destruction of the reality of socio-cultural illusions, in other words, in fact, the conditions for socio-cultural illusions losing their ontological status. 


socio-cultural illusions, individual psychological illusions, reality of the virtual world, modified form, utopia, ideology, classification of socio-cultural illusions, ontological status, gnoseological status, rationalisation

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