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Taxes and Taxation

Savina O.N., Savina E.O., Pinskaya M.R. Acute problems of value-added tax accounting

Abstract: The article analyzes acute problems of reviving Russia’s economy in the situation of financial instability through activation of investment operations. It should be noted that the Russian government attaches primary importance to taxation instruments as a measure of support to tax activities. Among such instruments, tax privileges and preferences should be mentioned. However, investors do not often use these preferences because of their small practicability and effectiveness. The authors also note that in the situation of absence of monitoring the courses of investments of monetary resources that disengage as a result of applying privileges and preferences, it is rather difficult to make conclusions concerning the effectiveness of applying such instruments by investors. An analysis of the existing mechanisms that promote an increase of effectiveness of investment project enabled the authors to reveal a number of disputable points in accounting of value-added taxes on advance payments for work (provision of services or supply of goods) that have been caused by disadvantages of the current tax legislature. The authors also analyze arbitration practice and come to the conclusion that the most problematic issues in this sphere are linked with the order of restitution of goods and services tax for producers of goods, works and services in cases of their preliminary gradual outpayment, which, in the conditions of ambiguous interpretations of the current tax legislation, may provoke withdrawals of an investor’s monetary resources from circulation. The authors suggest a number of amendments in the tax legislature, aimed at increasing the investment activity of entrepreneurs. Perfection of the taxation mechanism would produce only a limited effect if the tax reform is not linked with the budget policy.  The measures for activation of investment activities with the help of perfecting the normative legal base for goods and services taxes, that are proposed in this article, may be helpful for attracting additional revenues in Russia’s budget system.


investments and goods and services tax, restitution of goods and services tax, investment project, tax risk, principle of symmetry, taxation of investors, goods and services tax for advance repayments, transfer of repayment, calculation of goods and services tax, goods and services tax

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