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Taxes and Taxation

Kurkov I.I., P'yanova M.V. Taxation of real estate of individuals in Russia: problems and prospects

Abstract: The article views the prospects of introduction of taxation of real estate of individuals, which is an acute problem in today’s Russia. The authors analyze actual changes in taxation of individuals’ real estate that came into force since January 1, 2015, the current methods of valuation of an individual’s property, their advantages and disadvantages and the influence of this tax on all the strata of population. The article provides a comparative characteristic of inventory and cadastral valuation of items of real estate and a detailed analysis of problems that authorities and tax payers may face in connection with taxation. The authors analyze the experience of real estate property taxation in several countries outside Russia. The authors come to the conclusion of reasonability of using cadastral valuation of items of real estate and provide a number of recommendations for perfecting and further development of tax on estate property of individuals, with allowances made for the prospect of introduction of integrated tax on individuals’ estate property not later than in 2010.


tax concession, item of real estate, market value, cadastral value, assessed value, land tax, real estate tax, property tax, tax credit, tax burden

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