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National Security

Anikin V.I., Annenkov V.I., Moiseev A.V., Surma I.V. Energy security as a fundamental part of national security of the Russian Federation under the current circumstances

Abstract: As a result of global processes (globalization, struggle for energy resources, uneven development of countries, international terrorism, etc.), as well as the confrontation between theoretical concepts with regards to the future world order, a new socio-political phenomenon emerged called “energy world”. Thus, the global community (including Russia) has found itself facing a whole new set of energy threats that consist if the following: the vector of threat of energy conflict is now being formed on a global scale; a new threat emerged, related to the possibility of using energy resources as a means for achieving political goals by one or another country; under the conditions of a multipolar energy world there is higher possibility of energy terrorism and energy blackmail. The task of ensuring energy safety and energy stability, where problems of political, economic, military, technical, and even social nature are tightly intertwined, precisely relates to these types of problems.


energy security, energy stability, globalization, struggle for energy resources, energy terrorism, energy blackmail, international security, energy world, international energy security, multipolar model

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