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Financial Law and Management

Sitnik A.A., Migachev A.Yu. Financial control in Russia and abroad

Abstract: The subject of the article is social relations that form in the process of carrying out financial control in Russia and other countries. The article analyzes the definition, types and functions of financial control in Russia, provides classification of institutions of financial control and examines the experience of legal regulation of the government’s fiscal control in several countries, e.g. in Germany and the US. The author analyzes the peculiarities of organization of systems of financial control in the above-mentioned countries. The methodological basis of the study is the general scientific method of dialectical cognition, the method of comparing legal systems, the formal logical method and the logical methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction. The author’s study allowed him to make the following conclusions: The legal regulation of financial control is determined by the form of the state structure. Thus, in federal states, two parallel systems of government control form – federal and regional, while regional institutions of government control are independent from the nationwide agencies of control from the point of view of their organization and functions. Besides, in Germany and the US, special attention is being paid to public control. In these countries, reports from individuals about illegal actions of the authorities like excessive use of budget funds are an effective measure that enables to prevent or terminate abusive actions of parties in financial legal relations.


foreign countries, government financial control, control abroad, functions of control, types of control, financial control, control authorities, public control, Germany, USA

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