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Philosophy and Culture

Spektor D.M. Evolution: the Attempt of a Positive Ontological Interpetation

Abstract: The drivers of human evolution are still one of the darkest points in the anthropogenesis theory. From the point of view of the representatives of positive science, human is a part of nature and therefore unconditionally obeys the laws of nature. The obvious axiom of philosophy is that human has a single essence. In his article Spektor raises the following question: what are the reasons why human has such an essence? Therefore, the research subject of the present article is a theoretical justification of the reasons of the unity of humankind. Noteworthy that such reasons can be found in actual conditions of the descent of man. The research methodology involves monism as the most general principle as well as methods of dialectical logic combined with the analysis or critics of references. The author shows that a sucessive scientific interpretation of the question about the unity of the mankind brings us to the following conclusion: human has to adjust to a very singular environment. This is the kind of environment that has a high level of the internal coherence so all the living creatures have to mutually adjust to one another. So human evolution is a type of specific universalization and constant competition inside their environmental niche. These are the external drivers of 'hominization'. The internal drivers include the initiation of the defensive insinct that have been going on for thousands of years. 


anthropogenesis, evolution, mankind unity, adaptation, homo sapiens sapiens, evolutionism, initiation, cult, sacrifice, culture

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