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Philosophy and Culture

Zhirtueva N.S. The Mystical Phenomenon in Philosophy, Natural Science and Theology of the XXth - XXIth Centuries

Abstract: The research subject of the present article is the mystical phenomenon in modern philosophy, natural science and theology. Zhirtueva underlines that the interest towards mysticism is a result of the search for the way out of the anthropocentric cultural crisis as well as of a number of findings in the sphere of modern physics and psychology that have made the global academic community to revise their views. The author of the article notes that so far there hasn't been a single-value estimate of the phenomenon of mysticism. The author examines views on mysticism in materialistic and idealistic philosophy, classical and post-classical science, secular and theological religious studies. The research methodology involves a comparative philosophical and theological analysis. The following research methods have been used: comparative-analytical method, analysis and synthesis, inividuation and generalization. The main results of the research include the following solutions of the aforesaid problem. 1. Classical philosophy and science view mysticism as an illusion of consciousness and therefore deprive it of the right to be the theme for a scientific research. 2. Modern non-classical science draws an analogy between the modern scientific picture of the world and the experience of immanent mystical traditions demonstrating that it is possible to combine science and mysticism. 3. Theology approves of the true experience of transcendent immanent (antinomic) mysticism. The author also outlines a distinct differentiation between mystical perception and scientific cognition. 


the mystical phenomenon, Absolute, phenomenal world, immanent mysticism, transcendent-immanent mysticism, subject-object relations, egocentric consciousness, enlightened consciousness, quantum physics, holographic universe

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