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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Levkova T.V. The connection of sovereignty of psychological space of university students’ personalities with the peculiarities of their coping strategies

Abstract: In the article theoretical analysis of the characteristics of the sovereignty of the individual psychological space had submitted . The main side sovereignty of psychological space of personality: the physical body of sovereignty, territory, things, habits, social relations and values. Also theoretically analyzed the main coping strategies students.To study the sovereignty of psychological space and coping strategies of students experiment was carried out using a multi-factor questionnaire "The sovereignty of psychological space" developed S.K.Nartovoy-Bochaver; inquirer "Coping behavior in stressful situations" (N.S.Endlera, D.A.Perkera).In practical terms, the researches’ results of psychological space of sovereignty and coping strategies of university students had submitted, as well as one had studied the correlation the connection between the sovereignty of psychological space of university students and their coping strategies in the practical part of the article.Study on the sovereignty of psychological space of personality and coping strategies that she chooses, revealed the existence of different levels of connection between these indicators reflected that deprived the earlier specifications sovereignty of psychological space provoke consolidation of passive coping strategies of behavior. The experimental research was made in the framework of the psychological service of the university.


self-image, autonomy of the individual, the integrity of the, coping strategies, coping behavior, psychological sovereignty, psychological space, deprived psychological space, control of psychological frontier, personology

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