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Pedagogy and education

Aleshinskaya E.V. Comparative Analysis of Classical and Communicative Teaching of Foreign Grammar

Abstract: The object of research in this article is teaching foreign languages. The matter under study is forming grammar skills within classical and communicative teaching grammar. The author proves the importance of the problem of teaching grammar in terms of a client oriented approach practised nowadays. The article presents a review of the main ideas of working on grammar within different approaches to teaching languages. Particular attention is concentrated on peculiarities and difficulties of communicative teaching as the most practised nowadays.The research method in the article is the comparative linguodidactic analysis of different approaches to teaching foreign grammar.The main author’s conclusions are the following statements. Nowadays the market of educational services dictates a need to reconsider teaching grammar for a communicative approach, but it should not result in giving up working on grammar. However communicative teaching has a number of peculiarities and difficulties. Classical teaching grammar that is often presented as obsolete and ineffective is nevertheless timeproof. More than one generation managed to learn a foreign language that way including those who propagandize communicative teaching nowadays. Therefore classical teaching should not be rejected but fitted to modern communicative ideals which is not an easy task.The novelty of this article consists in viewing approaches to teaching grammar through the prism of educational services that dictate not only good result but client’s satisfaction in the process as well.


structure, ideal, communication, means, approach, method, foreign language, grammar, teaching, services market

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