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Pedagogy and education

Gurevich P.S. The Arsenal of Cultural Enrichment

Abstract: Textbooks nowadays, as a rule, are written for students. A reason for writing this column was the publication of a manual addressed to teachers and educators – «A teacher’s book «The dialogue of cultures»: educational and methodological manual and textbook». (M., 2014). The formal theme of the manual is the dialogue of cultures. In fact, it deals with a brief but scientifically equipped analysis of the world culture represented in its civilizational dimension. Having appeared in the recent decades, the idea of establishing a dialogue between representatives of different cultures has its advocates and opponents. One thing is undoubted – without understanding of deep foundations of each culture the dialogue is unthinkable. That is why the manual is of value not only as educational material but also as a serious theoretical study.Methods of developing the theme in this article are related to the principle of historicism. Many civilizations represented on the planet are discussed from the viewpoint of their origin, specificity, and dynamics. Also, methods of comparativist analysis are used that permit to compare values of different civilizations.The novelty of the article is conditioned by critical consideration of the problem of the dialogue between different cultures and civilizations. In this connection, various civilizations are presented as specific historical entities that embody the unrepeatable spiritual experience of humankind. The article discusses the world religions that form civilizational spaces, the unity and differences of the historical process, objects of worship that form different cultural worlds. Conditions are outlined, without which the dialogue of cultures is impossible, and contradictions of this process are revealed.


humankind, culture, civilization, religion, values, objects of worship, dialogue, spiritual experience, history, rationality

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