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Administrative and municipal law

Ziborov O.V. Particular aspects of correlation between the notions "regime", "legal regime" and "administrative-legal regime"

Abstract: The author analyzes the correlation between the notions "regime" and "legal regime", formulates his own attitude towards the methods of study of this legal category, analyzes the existing scientific opinions about the notion and the essence of legal regime. The author uses his own system of stydy of the notion and the features of legal regimes - from the definition of "legal regime" and "administrative-legal regime", which would include the descriptive-substantive characteristic of this legal phenomenon, the revelation and research of the features of this category demonstrating all the sides of "legal regime" and "administrative-legal regime" to the study of the essence and the features of the notions "legal regime" and "administrative-legal regime" by means of their comparison and comparative analysis with other legal categories. The methodology of the research is based on the modern achievements of epistemology. The author uses the general philosophical and theoretical methods (dialectics, the system approach, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), the traditional legal methods (formal-logical), and the methods used in specific sociological research (the statistic method, expert assessments, etc.). The article describes the existing in legislation and in scientific works variants of use of legal regime definitions. The author notes that the notion "legal regime" is one of fundamental notions of legal science. It attracts the attention of scientists dealing with general legal categories of jurisprudence and administrative law. In the conclusion the author offers six typical approaches to the definition of the notion "legal regime". 


regime, regime, law, regulation, impact, police, correlation, emergency, state, provision

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