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Administrative and municipal law

Mitrokhin V.V. On the issue of the notion and the principles of administrative-legal regulation of personnel policy in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The author of the article notes that, defining the conceptual bases of its personnel policy, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation proceeds from the need for the formation of a new professional moral image of an Internal Affairs officer, and for the renewal of a personnel potential of the police and other bodies of the Ministry. The author states that the concept of the personnel policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Internal Affairs bodies is the system of opinions, priorities and rules of personnel policy realization in the system of the Ministry, based on the unity of views and methodological approaches towards the work with the personnel of the Ministry. The author uses general scientific methods (analysis and synthesis, generalization, deduction and induction, etc.) and special scientific methods: the comparative-legal method (the author studies the legislative regulations in the sphere of police service); and the analysis of the documents on the issue of the article. The author notes that the personnel policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a part of the management system in the sphere of the Interior; its quality, systemity and consistency influence the efficiency of internal affairs bodies in general and the quality of the police work in particular. The issues of personnel policy are connected with enforcement of law, legality and provision of citizens' rights and freedoms. The Russian leaders and the Ministry of Internal Affairs pay special attention to the personnel policy issues in the internal affairs system. 


staff, Ministry of Internal Affairs, policy, personnel, internal affairs bodies, service, official, technology, concept, result

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