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Administrative and municipal law

Tregubova E.V. Problems of administrative-legal regulation of the activities of police and other federal public authorities in the sphere of consumer market

Abstract: The article considers the problems of prevention and suppression of administrative offences in the sphere of consumer market by police and other federal executive authorities. The object of the article includes social relations connected with enforcement of law on consumer market. The author details the problems of administrative-legal regulation of consumer market. Special attention is paid to the administrative activities of police in combating crimes in the sphere of consumer market. Considerable attention is paid to the issues of enhancement of efficiency of administrative coercive measures implementation in this sphere. The author uses the general philosophical, theoretical, and empirical methods (dialectics, the system method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), the traditional legal methods (formal-logical, comparative jurisprudence), the methods used in specific sociological research (statistics, expert opinions, and others).In the conclusion the author identifies the significant problems related to the administrative-legal regulation of activities of police and other federal executive authorities in the sphere of consumer market. The specific contribution of the author lies in the fact that the article reveals the contents of consumer market in administrative law. The novelty of this paper lies in the fact that the author concludes about the necessity for a more effective management in the spheres of trade and consumer market.


regulation, system, control, execution, police, consumption, market, trade, product, consumer

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