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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Chernov S.V. New Look at the Nature of Genius

Abstract: The research subject is the nature and meaning of genius. The genius is the highest degree of display of mind, consciousness and creative powers of man which generates qualitatively new creations that have a lasting influence on the development of the human race and human spiritual transformation concerning their ideas of love, truth and beauty. Human genius is a system of personal and spiritual attributes that helps a person to find, recognize and accept his destiny and brings personal will and spiritual depth into culture. The research of the nature of genius was conducted at the following three levels of the dialectical and phenomenological analysis: ideological and semantic level, figurative and personal level, and activity and meaning level. The novelty of the research is to develop a categorical conceptual apparatus presented in the form of structural models developed on the basis of a ternary classification; to distinguish and describe such features as a creative gift and destiny which determine the transcendental individuality of genius; to prove the special nature of the genius mind. The research shows that the genius personality present the ideal of man, the essence of man and the meaning of human existence.


formation of the genius, creative gift, destiny, vocation for creation, talent, genius, nature of the genius, essense of genius, sanctity and genius, sense of genius

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