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Philosophy and Culture

Pilyugina M.A. Stating the Problem of Interpretation in Ancient Philosophy

Abstract: In her article Pilyugina analyzes the grounds and the development of interpretation methods during ancient times. Interpretation started to develop at the earliest stage of ancient philosophy because it was closely connected with cognition and understanding. As a condition for genuine understanding, interpretation can be quite successful because it applies certain methods and techniques. The research objective is to answer the question about sources of interpretatio and development of interpretative methodology. The problem of interpetation is being viewed in terms of the development of humanitarian branches of science and philosophy.  The research is based on the methodology of the historical and philosophical analysis. The author has also applied the hermeneutical method as the main approach to the analysis of interpretation. The nature of the research topic has also required to apply the multidisciplinary approach and involve researches on history of philosophy, hermeneutics, argumentation theory and philology. The author shows that this topic is very important for practical philosophy and development of this topic is caused by social and cultural factors. In its turn, the development of the problem of interpretation created particular branches of knowledge. With time those branches became independent sciences and disciplines. Most of interpretative methods and techniques started to develop in the ancient times and are successfully used today. 


cognition, understanding, interpretation, knowledge, method, meaning, language, name, myth, argumentation

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