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Philosophy and Culture

Suvorov M.A. Features of the Contemporary Religious Situation and Forms of Social Influence on a Religious Personality

Abstract: The object of the present research article is the process of transformation of social forms of religion in the globalized society. The research subject is the features of the contemporary religious situation which, under the conditions of virtualization and strengthening of a saturation of information streams, turns into a totally new communication space. One of its features is a new opportunity to have an impact on the consciousness of believers. Using the technology of memetics, the author of the present article conducts a research of modern technologies of social influence and manipulating consciousness of new generation of believers for the purpose of detection of its specifics. Based on opportunities of comparative and structural approaches, the author carries out the analysis of features, algorithms and mechanisms of social influence and manipulation with consciousness of believers in terms of contemporary culture. This research article is the first one to prove that memetics is focused only on modern processes of social transformation of the contemporary religious situation and religion which continues to reproduce eternal ideals and values, however does it according to conditions, requirements and opportunities of modern social reality. Within the framework of his research, the author defines peculiar features of modern forms of social development of religion, such as intensive and purposeful mixture of religion with other fields of activity; mass publication and distribution of products of religion; and growing influence of virtual and network communication which, according to the author, does not eliminate but emphasizes the intersubjective nature of the development of social forms of religion in general. 


subjectivity, memetics, manipulation, social influence, transformations of forms of religion, contemporary religious situation, religious consciousness, simulacrum, cyberreligion, virtual religion

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