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Philosophy and Culture

Yakovlev V.A. Being of Information or Informational Being?

Abstract: The main research subject of the present article is the new understanding of the philosophical concept 'being' as a result of different interpretations of being as 'being of information' or 'informational being' in different branches of science. The scope of research includes physical and mathemathical sciences that interpret the nature of logics, mathematics and calculations. The research subject also involves the definition of consciousness in Husserl's phenomenology due to the fact that contemporary quantum physics and astronomy study the role of the scientific mind. Noteworthy, that the focus is made on the most recent achievements in these branches of science. In his research Yakovlev carries out a comparative research of modern approaches to definitions of information in relation to Husserl's phenomenology and contemporary theories of mind. Yakovlev also offers a new approach to the problem of being based on information theories. He makes an assumption that infomation reality (being of information) is becoming synonymous to the objective reality. Information reality (or informational being) is understood as the fundamental nature of the universe and being of an individual consciousness is understood as a fractal of this reality. 


information, being, reality, consciousness, mathematics, phenomenology, creativity, synergetics, physics, absolute

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