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Administrative and municipal law

Teryukov E.V. On the issue of administrative suspension of activity legal nature and place in the system of administrative coercive measures

Abstract: The subject of this study is the legal nature of administrative suspension of activity and its place in the system of administrative coercion.The article analyzes the legal nature of administrative suspension of activities and defines its place in the system of administrative coercion. At the same time it reveals the essential features of administrative coercion, its specificity, subjects and cases of the administrative measures. The author determines the subjective and objective conditions of application of this punishment, the objective conditions of suspension of administrative activities, and identifies the main approaches to the use of capital punishment.As the esearch methods the author uses the complex approach that combines the use of the dialectical materialist approach, the method of system analysis and the regulatory method.The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the author identifies a number of specific features that allow us to conclude that the administrative suspension of operations does not belong according to its nature to any group of administrative coercion identified within the science of administrative law. Administrative suspension of operations, in fact, at the same time applies to both measures of administrative warning and measures of administrative punishment. The special feature of this legal action is the fact that it is the only administrative punishment having a suspended sentence of execution, as well as the fact that the legally protected objects in this case are not only the human life and health, but also the public or state security.


administrative warning, consequence, background, responsibility, measure, punishment, coercion, administrative suspension of activity, administrative constraint, application of punishment

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