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International relations

Veprintsev V.B. Informational component of geopolitical subjects’ interaction

Abstract: The article considers the influence of space distribution of information, informational resources and processes of informational exchange on geopolitical processes. It provides the characteristic of the system of geopolitical relations transformation under the influence of the increasing importance of information in different spheres of geopolitics subjects’ activities. The article describes the key models of geopolitical interactions with the consideration of informational component and their development due to the increasing importance of the informational component of the general sphere of human life. The article shows the role and place of informational space as a space of geopolitical relations in the course of a competitive struggle between geopolitical subjects. The character of the modern geopolitical relations is determined by the transformation of a traditional geopolitics realized by geopolitical subjects (subjects of geopolitical relations). As geopolitical subjects this article considers any structured communities of people who are the subjects of geopolitical relations, i.e. have common interests in the preservation and winning of control of particular areas (territories, spheres) and the resources (energy) allocated in these areas, and who create different institutions for this purpose (including states) and possess a potential for it


management, politics, Russia, information, informational management, informational geopolitics, social medium, informational exchange, informational security, cooperation.

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