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International relations

Kosenko S.I. The factor of “soft power” in the cultural diplomacy of France

Abstract: The article considers some urgent aspects of France’s cultural diplomacy as an attribute of “soft power”; it outlines the traditionally special place of cultural policy in the strategy of preservation and strengthening of France’s global influence in the conditions of a hidden resistance to the lingua-cultural influence of the USA and their claims on the intellectual leadership in the modern world. Soft power has always played an important role in France’s foreign policy. As globalization is expanding, the problem of preservation and strengthening of their cultural identity and civilizational diversity is becoming more important for the countries with developed culture. In this regard France, a country with a great cultural influence, is an example of a country which, due to the committed and well-thought state policy, has been successfully defending its “cultural uniqueness” for centuries.


international relations, foreign policy, France, Soft power, diplomacy, cooperation, state, interests, values, security.

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