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Administrative and municipal law

Belova M.A., Sorochkin R.A. The subjects of corruption crimes in the states of the Anglo-Saxon legal system: the main methodological “instruments”

Abstract: The research subject is the Anglo-Saxon legal system as one of the most widespread systems in the world juridical practice. The authors note that many countries of this legal system have been more successful in combating corruption than the Russian Federation, and the adoption of their experience could have positive results in the Russian practice. It is possible that the results of the analysis of different methodological approaches, applied in the formation of norms about the subjects of corruption crimes, based on the international and foreign experience, will help the scholars to formulate the universal system of efficiency criteria of the national penal legislation depending on the degree of coverage of corruption crimes subjects whose socially dangerous acts form penal corruption. On the base of the comparative-legal method the authors analyze a wide range of archive materials, scientific works, and press. The application of the formal-juridical method helped formulate the authors’ definitions. In the authors’ opinion, Russian penal legislation should organically allocate with penal legislation of foreign states in order to provide the functioning of a single interstate legal system of combating corruption as a crime. It should meet the modern corruption challenges and timely criminalize the most dangerous forms of corruption. It should also contain certain principles, providing the opportunity (following the principles of legality and guilt) to immediately react to the new ways, methods and forms of corruption crimes within the provided by penal legislation (in the special part of Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) components of crime. 


corruption, foreign law, corruption crime subject, combating corruption, juridical technique, Anglo-Saxon law, organized crime, blanket rules, corporation responsibility, prevention of corruption

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