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National Security

Mantsurov A.Yu. National security of the People’s Republic of China: administrative-legal aspect

Abstract: This research focuses on the Constitution of the PRC, laws and normative legal acts that pertain to the aspects of national security of the PRC. The object of this research is the legalities and tendencies of development of the social relations that are forming within the PRC in the process of ensuring national security of the country. The author gives a detail review of such aspects and topics as the normative legal acts of the People’s Republic of China, which regulate the issues of ensuring the national security of the country. A special attention is given to the possibilities of implementing a number of its institutions in order to improve the legislation of the Russian Federation. Among the conclusion of the conducted research is that the consideration of the special aspects of the administrative-legal insurance of national security in the PRC would contribute to improvement of the Russian legislation in this area and the more precise definition of the key directions of collaboration between the Russian and Chinese branches of national security on resolving common problems of ensuring national security.


national security, corruption, terrorism, state secret, counterintelligence, Ministry of National Defense, State Council of the PRC, spying, White Paper of the PRC, PRC

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