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Philosophy and Culture

Fetisova, E. E. Neo-Acmeism in the Post-Soviet Discourse: its Philosophy, History, Esthetics and Meaning for Culture

Abstract: The research subject of the present article is neo-acmeism as an under-studied philosophical and cultural paradigm of the 20th century, its history and ‘semantic poetics’ as its philosophical ‘core’. Neo-acmeism contains the mental code of Russian culture which within the framework of one literary movement unites poets that may seem absolutely different. In her article Fetisova also views the ‘synchronous reminiscential chronotope’ that creates the ‘polyphonic monologue’ in mythology. The article is first of all based on the procedure of moving along the hermeneutic circle when the whole is studied through analyzing its components and vice versa; the structural-semiotic, comparative methods and the method of historical reconstruction are also being used. Fetisova traces back the history of the creation, development and existence of ne-acmeism in the post-Soviet discourse and the 20th century in general. When developing the research methodology, the author takes into account the contradictory nature of the development and functioning of neo-acmeism in the history. At the modern stage of the development of humanities, literary texts are often analyzed by using philosophical categories and concepts. Philosophical and philological hermeneutics have formed the space for an interpretative discourse of a poetic text. The present article only demonstrates how efficient this synthesis is. The given article is focused on the universal phenomenon of neo-acmeism or so called Russian Renaissance as a philosophical and cultural paradigm. In this regard, the author believes that we can talk not about the acmeism tradition in contemporary poetry but a continuous development of the ‘semantic poetics’ of acmeism and neo-acmeism in creative writings of a number of modern poets. On the one hand, there is neo-acmeism as a poetic movement that could have influenced the future poetry only as a tradition. On the other hand, in today’s Russian reality poetics of neo-acmeism is not a tradition but a continuous development of the functional component of the literary process based on the principles offered by Gumilev and Mandelstam.


philosophy, neo-acmeism, anthropocentrism, subjectivism, Russian renaissance, ‘semantic poetics’, philosophical discourse, cultural paradigm, institutionalization of society, ‘Akhmatova myth’.

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