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Pedagogy and education

Savina O.N. New Methodological Approaches to Arranging Project Activities As a Part of the Educational Process in the Master’s Degree Program

Abstract: The article describes a new method of project activities applied during implementation of the educational process in the Master’s degree program and contributing to the effective implementation of the competence- based approach in the education process there. Within the given context, the crowdsourcing method is veiwed as the ‘co-creation of bene􀏔its’. The purpose of the method is to develop innotative thinking skills of students studying for a Master’s degree, the kind of skills that would allow them to design and build the social environment for education, the ability to adapt to modern socio-economic conditions, to 􀏔ind organizational and managerial solutions and be responsible for them. The research is based on the materials tested and effectively realized at the Faculty of Taxes and Taxation at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.The author emphasized the priority of implementation of project activities in the educational process and improvement of adaptive abilities of students to the current economic situation of the country; teamwork skills; readiness for cooperation with colleagues; the ability to take into account the interests of others, select and use adequate solutions of communication tasks taking into account the age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students; an effective independent work on the implementation of the individual educational plans in cooperation with teachers and fellow students.


Master’s degree programs, crowdsourcing, collective intelligence, project activity, competence, innovative methods, modern approaches, research project, Ideas Fairy, collective cooperation.

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