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Pedagogy and education

Korzhuev A.V., Baksanskii O.E. Pedagogical Research in Terms of the Modern Scienti􀏐ic Discourse

Abstract: The present article is devoted to the processes of transformation of pedagogical knowledge at the modern stage of its development and consequential peculiarities of modern pedagogical research. Special attention is paid to pedagogical methodology.Pedagogy is a socio-humanitarian science and therefore the following question is especially important: what have been the changes in social sciences caused by the new postnonclassical paradigm of knowledge (the last third of the XX century) and what impact these changes have had on pedagogy. Even though Russian and Western social transformations have happened in completely different environments, there is one feature they have in common. Today both Western and Russian societies are nonstable or transitional communities. In terms of self-organization theory this means that these societies are at the bifurcation point where even a slightest or accidental in􀏔luence may lead to choosing the path of a sustainable development. The research methods used in this article include retrospective analysis, analysis of issues and contents of the academic 􀏔ield, discovery of contradictions and ‘blindspots’, development of approaches to solving practical research issues and developing theoretical concepts and heuristic synthesis. The main conclusions of this research prove the thesis that being a true ‘representative’ of socio-humanitarian knowledge, today’s pedagogy does not only encourage the search for historical roots and prerequisites of modern knowledge, it alo makes researchers to study principles of knowledge creation, knowledge structure and the process of obtaining knowledge. This demonstrates that pedagogy is moving from the empiric/descriptive stage of development to the stage of serious theoretical grounds when pedagogy can even perform the predictive function.


socio-humanitarian knowledge, pedagogical methodology, pedagogy theory, gnoseology, logic, ethic-esthetic aspect, heuristic synthesis, synergetics, bifurcation, philosophy of education.

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