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Administrative and municipal law

Kurakin A.V. On the issue of the Russian police legal status and the problems of its application in administrative activity

Abstract: It is noted in the article that in the process of their activity the bodies of Internal Affairs (the police) execute a wide range of administrative functions, entering into special jural relations with citizens, state and public organizations and their officials. The article reveals the character of administrative functions realized by the Internal Affairs bodies. The article offers the classification of rights and responsibilities of the police, which gives the opportunity to reveal the essence and the contents of their activities; on the base of the research the author formulates suggestions of the mechanism of rights and responsibilities of the police execution. The methodology of the research is based on the up-to-date achievements of epistemology. The author uses the general theoretical and philosophical methods (dialectics, the system approach, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), the traditional juridical methods (formal-logical), and the methods which are used in special sociological research (the statistical method, expert evaluations, etc.). It is noted in the article that among the competencies of the police are: protection of personality, society, and state from illegal entrenchments; prevention and constraint of crimes and administrative offences; proceedings of administrative offences cases; execution of administrative punishment; provision of law and order in public places; provision of road safety, etc.


the police, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, status, rights, responsibilities, realization, the Internal Affairs bodies, force, coercion, law and order.

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