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Administrative and municipal law

Kosinov V.A. State regulation of public and municipal property privatization

Abstract: Several decades have passed since the beginning of the process of privatization in Russia, but the disputes are still taking place about its legitimacy, reasonability and legal consequences. The topic of privatization is becoming even more important within the discussions of its “second wave”. Privatization today is aimed at reduction of the state role in market processes, decrease of the state property, and involvement of additional funds into the budget. This article is devoted to a brief analysis of the problem mentioned. The methodology of the article is based on the general scientific and the special scientific methods of social processes cognition. The author uses the system-structural, comparative-legal, historical, logical, and formal-logical approaches. The use of these approaches allowed the author to study the problem in coherence, consistency, comprehensively and objectively. The importance of this problem consists of the fact that the modern legal regulation should conform to the changing legal relationship and take into consideration the former mistakes. But at present the issues of privatization are regulated by the normative acts which had been adopted more than ten years ago, and the state policy in this sphere practically has not changed.


privatization, legality, state regulation, state property, municipal property, mortgaging auction, competition, monopoly, property management, protection of competition.

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