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Philosophy and Culture

Fetisova, E. E. Philosophical Hermeneutics as the Key to the Universal Paradigm of Neo-Acmeism: the European and Russian Renaissance

Abstract: The present article illustrates universalism of neo-acmeism as a philosophical and cultural paradigm and phenomenon of the Russian ‘Renaissance’ in comparison to the traditional (classical) acmeism and culture of the European Renaissance. In her article Fetisova describes the foundation of neo-acmeism, its ‘semantic poetics’ and distinctive mythology of neo-acmeism that creates the poetic model of the world. The researcher also analyzes the variety of searches that have established grounds for new discoveries in philosophy and Russian and world literature. Fetisova examines the space-time continuum and its coordinates. Art space and time are viewed as a particular esthetic and verbal phenomenon that contributed to the consolidation of the Russian society in post-Soviet times. Fetisova also performs the comparative analysis of Dante’s ‘The Divine Comedy’ and neo-acmemism poetry. In order to interpret neo-acmeism as a cultural paradigm, the researcher has focused on peculiar functioning of neo-acmeism compared to traditional acmeism. According to the author, philosophical methodology serves as the key to understanding internal structures of neo-acmeism paradigm. The phenomenon under review has stable and harmonized features which, in their turn, constitute the mental code of the Russian culture. That mental code has become the axiological constantan of the Russian culture and made the Russian culture unique. The research strategy used by the author has allowed to reconstruct that mental code in a new historical environment. The comparative analysis was focused on expressive means and style of Dante, from literary techniques, general phrases, quotations to the similarities between the concept of acmeism presented in Dante’s ‘The Divine Comedy’ and neo-acmeism poetry.


philosophy, persona, neo-acmeism, The Divine Comedy, literary context, mental code, identity, reconstruction, function, culture.

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