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Financial Law and Management

Shemarykina D. A. Increasing the Effectiveness of the Federal Bailiff Service with Integrated Information Systems

Abstract: The article discusses the necessity and urgency of improving the legal norms governing the activities of the Federal Bailiff Service (FBS) being the only authorized body of the executive branch performing the enforcement of court decisions. At the same time in order to enhance the enforcement of judicial acts as well as acts of other bodies, it is necessary to develop FBS legal information support services as the efficiency of enforcement of judicial acts and acts of other bodies largely depends on the proper execution of FBS support functions, namely, record-keeping activities and administration of federal budget revenues. As a research method the author applies the analysis of legal support of the Federal Target Program «Development of the Russian judicial system for 2013–2020 years». It is concluded that further development of informatization of enforcement proceedings (i. e. activities towards the availability of online information and the creation of convenient interface to share information in view to enhance the enforcement of judicial acts and acts of other bodies and officials) is provided by a number of programs at the federal level. It allows to suggest that the prospects for the use of integrated information systems are very promising.


Federal Service, Court Bailiffs Service, federal law, enforcement, federal budget, information support, electronic document, legal norms, executive branch, court decision.

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