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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Korneenkov, S. S. Retrospection: Perinatal Experience of Soul/Consciousness inside the Material (Experimental Research of the Altered State of Consciousness)

Abstract: The article is devoted to the issues of perinatal psychology. Theoretical and experimental research carried out by the author of the article is based on the hypothesis that human a) is a self-developing creature whose consciousness stores all the emotions experienced by him during his fetal period of development; b) being in the altered state of consciousness, he can recall the mental states experienced by him during the perinatal period of fetal development. The purpose of the research is: 1) to study scientific and yoga literature on the problem of the unity of consciousness, spirit and material in the perinatal period of an individual’s life; 2) to carry out an experimental research of emotions, perception and cogitation of an individual at different periods of perinatal development. The object of research is the altered state of consciousness. The subject of research is the peculiarities of perception, cogitation and emotions of an individual’s consciousness a) before the moment of meeting with a fertilized ovum, b) at the moment and after the moment of zygote formation c) in the first days of a child’s life. The author uses the integrated technology of learning and self-knowledge (ITLSK) in the awake and altered states of consciousness (ASC). The ASC was achieved in several steps according to a special procedure using the following self-knowledge methods: setting, concentration, music, meditation, suggestion, self-suggestion, prayer, mantra and cosetting. This is the first research in Russian science to receive data about peculiarities of perception, cogitation and emotions in the perinatal period of fetal development through achieving the altered state of consciousness. Meditation allows to consciously perceive ‘the other’ reality and accept one’s inner world and surrounding reality as the single entity. Deep focus on oneself allows to achieve the state of calmness, harmony, knowledge and purity and fills one’s consciousness with strength and energy. One’s internal world is the reality for our mind just as the external world is. Meditation can be used for self-investigation and self-learning according to set goals as well as to study theory and practical application of psychology and pedagogy, anatomy and physiology and other disciplines at a University.


perinatal psychology, individual consciousness, meditation, universal consciousness, perinatal experience, altered state of consciousness, conception (beginning of pregnancy), embryo, spirit, setting.

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