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Philology: scientific researches

Sizemskaya, I. N. Philosophical Sense of Lermontov’s Poetry

Abstract: In this article poetry of Lermontov is considered from the view point behind imaginative philosophical meanings, many of which remain a mystery to this day. Drawing attention to the fact that the debate on the past and continuing today, the author shows the diversity of the poetic heritage of the poet, identifying its unique feature – the inexorable force of the impact of metaphysical ideas about life and death, freedom and necessity, the spiritual and the corporeal, the sublime and the low-lying, the divine and the human. The default setting is the author’s analysis – all the poetry of Lermontov’s romanticized perception of the world, who gave his own version of the national culture romantic personalism. The author traces how in the poet’s poetic images are reproduced through the state of the human soul tossing between perfect and evil, between good and evil in search of agreement not only with yourself but also with Heaven. Sizemskaya believes the antithesis of the earth and the sky as the two polar elements of human existence to be the cross-cutting issue of poetic heritage Lermontov . The article shows that Lermontov in native spiritual culture according to a new understanding of the divine in which the poles of God and man come together in divinely that the recognition of this new dimension of the world poet eliminates fatality split between the Demon and God as between heresy and truth, introducing poetry in new semantic space. Lermontov, the author believes, the nation’s first spiritual culture was an attempt to translate the sacred from the «beyond» in the «worldly.» Through the image of the Demon, who determined the emotional and vector semantic searches across Lermontov’s poetry, the question whether it is possible harmony, harmony in relations between heaven and earth. The author concludes that the deeper meaning of Demon’s searches is metaphysical: it is not directed against specific conflicts, and against the «fundamental untruth of life on earth,» which the poet and his hero is associated with God justified restriction of freedom for personal expression. At the heart of these quests rebellion personality requiring the right to personal choice of the method and way of life, happiness and love.


philosophical poetry, Lermontov, lyric personalism, freedom, fate, God, Demon, the antithesis of «heaven and earth», other-worldly, worldly, good, evil, divine-human.

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