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Philosophy and Culture

Larin, Yu. V. Human Nature in Terms of Culture

Abstract: The author of the article describes the development of bio-socio-cultural model of human nature. Based on this model, the author defines the main historical epochs, tendencies and prospects of the existence and development of human in a modern world. The author predicts an increasingly reinforcement of processes and phenomena indicative of culture-centered modification of human nature. The author underlines that despite the concerns expressed by Margareta Bertilsson and Jean Baudrillard, this circumstance does not mean the end or implosion of social or natural determination of human but transformation of the level of their activity. Based on the critical analysis of the ideas of Russian and foreign philosophers (E. Barkova, V. Davidovich, B. Latour, M. Kagan, Yu. Fedorov and A. Schutz), the author establishes the hypothesis about a particular way of existence and functioning of culture as an internal contradictory unity of an objectified subject and subjectified object. Interpreting ‘item’, ‘standard’, ‘value’ and ‘symbol’ as the main and general forms, the author makes a conclusion about the methodological importance of the subjective (David Durkheim), standard (Claude Levi-Strauss), axiological (Heinrich Rickert) and symbolic (Ernst Cassirer) concepts of culture.


methodology, human nature, archaic character, civilization, culture, item, standard, value, symbol, human creating potential.

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