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Culture and Art

Rozin, V. M. Tutor’s Teaching as the Point of Development of Modern Culture and Assistance of Personal Growth

Abstract: The author of the present article views tutor’s teaching as the point of development of modern culture and assistance of personal growth. Other points of cultural growth are creative activity of personality and society as well as particular social practices. The researcher analyzes the following situation that makes it necessary to form a new practice: teaching is growing more and more focused on personal growth, however, a great variety of personality types creates new problems; teachers and scientists more and more often come to the conclusion that a traditional concept of a school student as an ‘average individual’ does not work. All children are different and have their own way of socialization and ‘evolutionary development’), therefore it is important to take into account not only individual personal differences but also individual development pathways of different personality types. The researcher compares the two interpretations of the tutor’s position at school. Noteworthy that the author accepts and discusses the approach which is close to the post-modernistic concept and which he calls ‘humanitarian methodological’ approach when a tutor diligently plans his own work and uses different knowledge and practices (on human, personality growth and development, anthropological practices and technologies and etc.). The main research method and methodology used by the author of the article is the situation analysis, problematisation, methodological schematization and scenario planning as well as case analysis. As a result, the author outlines the range of problems in tutor’ teaching as the point of development of modern culture and has creates a new teaching approach used by a tutor. The author views tutoring not only s an example of real-time social innovations. According to the author, this practice should be also viewed and studied as the point of development of modern culture.


Tutor, teaching, personality, culture, creativity, practice, crisis, movement, growth, development.

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