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Software systems and computational methods

Provalov V.S. Information technology in small business management

Abstract: Small business is the most important sector of the modern market economy, the efficiency of which is largely determined by the state of the economy as a whole. The main features of the small business lie in the way of management and decision-making methods. Modern information technology is a tool by which the effectiveness of management can be significantly improved. The subject of this study is to determine the features of the use of information technology on the basis of the analysis of the specificity of economic activity and the management of this category of subjects of the market economy. The work is based on general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis both published in the literature fragmentary information on the subject and the results of own experience of the author, reflecting his scientific interests. The author does not know any domestic publications on the subject despite its scientific and practical importance. In this regard, the article has a scientific novelty in attempts to carry out a systematic analysis of the specific use of information technology in small business. The presence of such specificity requires its consideration while building the new management technologies and developing commercial software products for small businesses.


small business, information technology, management functions, industry specifics, infrastructure, resource limitations, integrated solutions, cloud services, susceptibility of technology, business information richness

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