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International relations

I. V. Bocharnikov “Scorched Earth” Tactics in Donbass

Abstract: The article presents the analysis of the contents, specifics and causes for the punitive operation in Donbass, its participants and the means and methods of performing it, the essence of the “scorched earth” tactics implemented during this operation by the governmental authorities against the population of Donbass. The article makes an analogy with the occupation of Donbass during the Great Patriotic War. The authors identify the reasons why the USA are supporting the governmental authorities in the Ukraine which are carrying out the punitive operation, the role and position in this conflict of mercenary soldiers and private military companies. In this research, the authors used the systematic, structural and functional, comparative historical and comparative political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, unity and struggle of opposites, participant observation, modeling, expert review. 70 years after the victory over fascism, war returned to Donbass again. The war returned with virtually the same declared “civilizing European values” and, obviously, with the new successors of the leaders of the Nazi Germany convicted by Nurnberg tribunal – extreme right Ukrainian nationalists calling themselves the followers of Bendera and Shushkevich. Towards anybody who disagrees, they act using the same methods as the Nazis and their henchmen did during World War II.


international relations, foreign policy, Ukraine, Donbass, punitive operation, violation of human rights, private military companies, humanitarian crisis, illegal armed groups, conflict.

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