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Taxes and Taxation

Sugarova, I. V. Some Peculiarities of Establishing the Revenue Element of the Federal Budget

Abstract: The author of the article studies peculiarities of establishing the revenue element of the federal budget. The importance of the present research is proved by the existing practice of the federal budgeting taking into account the structure of revenues and established Funds. This topic is growing especially important in terms of establishing a stable budget and unconditional execution of assumed obligations. Based on the analysis carried out, the author of the article defines the positive dynamics of the main indicators of economic development for the period being analyzed including the growth of GDP. Oil and gas revenues make the greater part of overall revenues of the federal budget for the period being analyzed, the main part of oil and gas revenues is being provided by export customs duties, value-added tax and oil and gas production tax. The author carries out a comprehensive analysis of the dynamics, composition and structure of federal revenues. In the course of her research the author uses the methods of analysis, synthesis and comparative analysis. The author provides arguments proving that the ratio of revenues to GDP demonstrates a strong dependence of the Russian economy on the foreign economic environment. The author concludes that there is a need to ensure financial stability of the federal budget through increasing taxable capacities and efficient sending of budgetary funds.


federal budget, establishing the revenue basis, social and economic development, macroeconomic indicators, oil and gas revenues, Reserve Fund, National Welfare Fund, taxable capacity, fiscal policy.

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