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Administrative and municipal law

Vorontsova, O.V. On the issue of environmental functions of the municipal bodies (example of the Komi Republic).

Abstract: The article provides analysis of the environmental functions of the municipal self-government bodies according to the legislation of the Russian Federation and of the Komi Republic, namely, the environmental functions of the representative municipal bodies and competence of executive bodies of municipal entities, heads of municipal entities – head of the Administration of the City District. The object of studies is regulated in much detail in the current legislation. The author has analyzed the system of the specific environmental functions of the municipal bodies, as well as some problems appearing in the process of their implementation. The process of writing the article involved the following methods: philosophical (dialectic, metaphysical), general scientific methods applied at the empiric (observation, measurements, etc.), and theoretical cognition levels (idealization, formalization). The article also involved specific scientific cognition methods, such as comparative legal method, statistical and historical method). The study of specific environmental functions of the municipal bodies (representative bodies of certain municipal formations, executive municipal bodies) in the territory of the Komi Republic was held for the first time within this research. Agreeing with some legal scholars, the author makes a conclusion that among the main shortcomings of the current environmental legislation at the local level the main ones involve lack of flexibility and overlapping competences (in spite of the differences between the municipalities on the quantity of residents, financial, environmental elements, etc.) of the municipal self-government bodies.


environmental functions, municipal bodies, the Komi Republic, competence, legislation of the Komi Republic, legislation of the Russian Federation, environmental doctrine, municipal environmental control, efficiency monitoring, public environmental council.

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