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Administrative and municipal law

Konstantinova, L.V. Administrative offences in the sphere of copyright protection within the sphere of competence of the customs bodies.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the topical issues within the system of legal relations in the sphere of procedural developments regarding administrative offences in the sphere of protection of copyright within the competence of the customs bodies within the framework of the Customs Union, as well as to the specific features of initiating of an administrative offence case under Art. 14.10 of the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation in cases of unlawful use of trademark belonging to the third parties, problems regarding proving guilt of a person transferring counterfeit goods, as well as issues on improving interaction among the competent controlling bodies, both in Russia and in the Customs Union Member States. The scientific study is based upon the comparative and scientific methods of studies, and they are applied for the purpose of improvement of administrative proceedings in the sphere of copyright. Based upon the analysis of the social relations in the sphere of administrative offences cases regarding copyright protection within the competence of the customs bodies within the framework of the Customs Union, the author formulates proposals for the improvement of the legislation in the sphere of proceedings on administrative offences cases and interactions among the controlling bodies in this sphere. In order to achieve the goals mentioned in the Strategy in order do intercept the copyright offences, there is need for the harmonization of the legislations of the Customs Union Member States on administrative offences. There is also need to improve inter-departmental and international cooperation at the supranational level (that is, at the level of the Customs Union), for example, there may be created an unified information database of the documents of various controlling bodies interacting with the customs bodies of the Customs Union.


administrative offence, protection of exclusive rights, copyright objects, the Customs Union, counterfeit products, title owner, trademark, similar goods, expert, transition.

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