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Administrative and municipal law

Ryzhkova, A.N. On the issue of administrative responsibility for the illegal labor activities of a foreign citizen or a person without citizenship in the Russian Federation.

Abstract: In the conditions of growing number of labor migrants searching for employment in the territory of the Russian Federation, the study of administrative offences in the sphere of violations of labor migration legislation becomes quite topical. The object of studies involves theoretical and practical aspects of functioning of the institution of administrative responsibility for the violations in the sphere of labor migration in the Russian Federation, namely, those related to the unlawful labor activities of a foreign citizen or a person without citizenship in the territory of the Russian Federation (Art. 18.10 of the Administrative Offences Code of the Russian Federation). Method and methodology of studies are based upon the accumulation of the general scientific and specific scientific means and methods used by the legal science in general, such as dialectic, historical, structural systemic, comparative legal, statistical, formal logical, analysis, systemic method. Generally, the work involves all of the cognition methods as a combination, while the priority is provided to the methods of comparative legal studies and analysis. The scientific novelty of this study is due to the fact that the author attempts to provide a comprehensive evaluation of administrative responsibility for the illegal labor activities by a foreign citizen or a person without citizenship in the Russian Federation. The article involves the key definitions in this sphere, the author provides analysis of the current situation in the labor migration legislation as well as administrative responsibility for its violations, noting the tendency for the stricter administrative responsibility, including higher fines.


administrative responsibility, labor migration, foreign citizen, foreign workforce, permit to work, patent, employment, administrative deportation, administrative fine, administrative offence.

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