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Dresvyannikova, E.A. Some issues regarding quality selection of candidates for the service in the internal affairs bodies.

Abstract: In the conditions of the dynamic changes in the political, economic and social spheres in Russia, there is a topical issue regarding quality selection of candidates for the service in the internal affairs bodies. However, special attention should be paid at the very starting stage, when the candidates are chosen for the service. The author of this article evaluates various directions of improvement in the work of the cadres divisions and psychologists when selecting candidates for the service. It seems that at the current stage of development of the internal affairs bodies, cadres profi ling should be included, in order to ensure compliance of the candidates with the requirements for the positions. Additionally, the psychologists, who take part in selection of candidates for the service, should take into account the practical value of emotional intellect, being able to recognize it and take it into account when interacting with the future offi cers. When solving scientifi c problems in order to achieve the goal of the study the author applied general scientifi c methods (deduction, analysis, synthesis, comparative method), as well as some special scientifi c methods. The article concerns the issues of modern effi cient professional training of the internal affairs bodies personnel. In the conditions of the ongoing reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation the author proposes her position on resolving some problems regarding quality selection of candidates for the service. Attention is paid to the work of the cadres divisions, as well as to the psychological support of this sphere of activities.


cadres, psychologists, candidates for the service, internal affairs bodies, professional training, profi ling, intellect, emotions, regulation, education.

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