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Trends and management

Petrushikhina E. B. Career growth and personality changes

Abstract: The article examines the influence of career advancement on key personality characteristics – career values, self-actualization degree and self-esteem. Bank employees, working on different positions, were the study subjects. During the last decade, theoretical and practical issues of career development become more important. Psychology research discusses types and stages of one’s career, interrelation between career advancement and personal growth, psychological premises of a successful career. The article demonstrates that, as career advances, it becomes progressively more important to the individual, with positive self-image, self-esteem and self-actualization level also improving. The methodological base of this work consists of systemic, structural and functional, comparative and historical, geopolitical, cultural and civilization-based approaches, as well as methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling and observation. In cadre management, career management is one of the functions of personnel management; career growth opportunities are defined by how attractive the organization is for employees and applicants. F, Herzberg, the author of the famous motivational hygiene concept, indicated that professional and career growth contribute to the employee’s satisfaction and motivation to work.


management, politics, psychology, career, personality, self-actualization, self-image, values, planning, evaluation

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