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Philosophy and Culture

Apaeva, A. Yu. Martin Heidegger About Friedrich Holderlin’s Poetry of Being and Being of Poetry

Abstract: The author of the article analyzes works of a philosopher Martin Heidegger related to Friedrich Holderlin. The subject under research is Heidegger’s interpretation of Holderlin’s poem ‘Germanien’. Interpreting a particular wok of Holderlin, Heidegger looked for new ways to interpret poetical works in general. The poetic content of poetry and the difference between the poetic and non-poetic are being viewed through the phenomenological reduction of traditional interpretation of poems. The original method of phenomenological hermeneutics and the new conceptual framework introduced by Heidegger may be of interest to both philosophers and philologers. The problems of the fundamental ontology Heidegger was focused on when writing his book ‘Being and Time’ remained important for him even when he researched the language and art issues. Heidegger studied ontological structures of poetry. Holderlin’s poetry which discovered the Being of God declared the historical being of nation. The author of the article carries out the historical and philosophical analysis of Heidegger’s texts focusing on the problems of the hermeneutics of poetry raised by the philosopher. However, the author does not only reveal Heidegger’s statements. Applying her own philosophical intuition to the analysis of the problems raised by Heidegger, the author offers a new philosophical vision based on the extended ideas of Heidegger. The author also focuses on when and why Heidegger chose to study Holderlin for the purpose of understanding the essence of poetry and discovering Holderin’s poetic space. Heidegger managed to enter Holderlin’s ‘poetic space’ and recognized the divine style in his poetry. Heidegger’s thoughts on Holderin’s poetry in particular and poetry in general were a new dawn in the history of philosophy.


Martin Heidegger, Friedrich Holderlin, poem ‘Germanien’(‘Germany’), poetic space, being of a nation, being of a poet, oscillating contour, language of being, God’s nod, phenomenological hermeneutics.

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