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Philosophy and Culture

Shipovskaya, L. P., Gemonov, A. V. Philosophical Interpretation of Heraldic Symbols in the Rus During the Period of the Ruling of Ioann III (the Great) and Ioann IV (the Terrible)

Abstract: The author of the article makes an attempt to carry out the philosophical analysis of the heraldic symbols in the Rus during the ruling of Ioann III and Ioann IV. The object of the philosophical interpretation is the symbols of the double-headed eagle, the rider (Saint George) and the unicorn. The authors of the article specify that it is semiotics that allow to discover and analyze signs and symbols of the social life of those times which included, on the one hand, various practical collaborative activities performed by individuals and, on the other hand, their symbolic expressions. The research is based on the semiotic approach as a heuristic method of philosophical interpretation of heraldic tributes of the aforesaid period in history. The standard semiotic analysis describing the meaning, the meant and the reviewer (according to Umberto Eco’s methodological scheme) is completed with the Jung’s theory of archetypes. The authors conclude that philosophical interpretation of heraldic symbols allow to prove their importance as a symbolic mean of expressing the autocratic status of reign of the tsar, the ‘Great’ tsar at first and then the ‘Terrible’ tsar. Back in those times the state institution consisting of a great number of territories needed a powerful and authoritative government. Therefore, heraldic symbols served as a symbolic mean for upholding and reinforcing the imperious status of tsars. In fact, being a symbolic aspect of the social life, heraldic images upheld and supported the status of the government trough creating the radiance of glory, wisdom and heroism around the governors.


heraldry, semiotics, double-headed eagle, rider, unicorn, statehood, Ioann IV (the Terrible), symbol, the Rus, tsar.

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