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Administrative and municipal law

Manukov, M.M. Coordinator of fighting crime by the prosecutor in the process of supervision over the lawfulness of operative investigation activity.

Abstract: The article concerns theoretical and legal issues regarding competence of the prosecutor in the sphere of supervision over the lawfulness of operative investigation activity, as well as elements of the coordination of the activities of the law-enforcement bodies involving operative divisions by prosecutors. The author studies specific features of this direction in prosecutor activities. In the opinion of the author this type of activity of competent prosecutors should facilitate both compliance with the guarantees of basic human rights and freedoms, and efficient achievement of goals of operative investigation activities on revealing, prevention, interception and solving crimes, finding offenders guilty of these crimes and finding offenders avoiding inquiry, investigation and court proceedings, as well as missing persons. The methodological basis for the dissertation was formed with the modern achievements of the theory of cognition. In the process of study the author involved general philosophical, theoretical methods (dialectic, systemic methods, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, induction, observation, modeling), traditional legal methods (formal logical), as well as methods used in the specific social studies (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). The prosecutor supervision over rule of law in the said sphere of law-enforcement activities has its specific features, which are due to the specific features of its legal regulation and operative investigation activities as such. Operative investigation activities are performed both publicly and secretly by the competent operative divisions of the state bodies within the legal limits via implementing operative investigation events in order to protect life, health, rights and freedoms of individuals and citizens, property, guaranteeing security of society and state from criminal encroachments.


supervision, prosecutor, form, method, protest, prosecution, operative investigation activity, police, lawfulness, policeman.

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